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Image by Dave Hoefler

Self-Excellence is an integrated aspect of physical , mental
and intellectual capabilities of  any individual.  Neglecting 
any one of these three aspects would not help one
to unleash their best.


Young Minds

(Journey To Self-Excellence)

Skills can be developed through practice. Our mind is the foundation on which skills operate. A focused, concentrated and emotionally regulated mind forms a strong foundation whereas a distracted and emotionally dominated mind forms a weak and shaky foundation. Hence there is a significant to work on one’s foundation apart from skill acquisition.


Program Type: Group Sessions

Program Duration : 20 Sessions

Session Duration : 1 hour per week

Session Mode : In Person / Online

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Unleash Your Potential
(Find The Best Version Of Yourself)

Is your child unable to focus / dsplaying shorter attention spans?

Is your child capabale but is not putting his best efforts?

Is your child lacking Self-Love / Self-Esteem / Self-Confidence ?

Is your child facing challenges to find his strengths and weaknesses?


Program Type: Personalised Sessions

Program Duration : Depends on the initial assessment

Session Duration : 1 hour

Session Mode : In Person

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